
Avril Kinsey offers consultations, which include a full music assessment on aural skills, natural musical talent, levels of interest and suitability to a particular instrument. These are conducted with the parent present, or if preferred then not, and are for students of all ages and all levels. The consultation allows time to discuss what the student and parent should expect of the learning process, of costs, exam or performance opportunities (if interested), as well as time for questions.

SAM_0336 copyThe consultation helps you to understand the process of learning music and the important effect that learning music has on the brain and on the value of the development of fine motor coordination.

A 45 minute consultation is required for students interested in the CTAM Music Artist Diploma, ATCL, LTCL and PDDip Courses.  This is to help ascertain the best choice of subjects for the students desired outcome and career options,  while also taking into account any prior learning and specific music skills and skills in other subjects.

Most consultations are 45 minutes, but we can do longer or shorter if required.

If you are interested in a no obligation consultation then please complete the form below and we will get back to you within 24-48 hours, or you may go ahead and purchase a consultation by clicking on Consultation which will effectively guarantee you a time slot within the period of a week once the funds are received.

We look forward to being of assistance in any way we can.